OAK 197 Hendrix BF
This incredible young buck is the heir apparent for BabyFace! Sired by our phenomenal buck, SH BabyFace Nelson, Hendrix is exactly what I dreamed he would be when I crossed Tesla on BF. BabyFace is a Pretty Boy Floyd son and they are known for both height and length. Hendrix is no exception. He is maturing into a monster buck! We are not surprised though as Tesla is a huge doe who also has height and muscle. Tesla comes from the outstanding SOS Farm in Florida, Linda Hughes and Greg Hall. She was our first fancy, high end Doe and she was money well spent as she hits it out of the park year after year. She is one of our Doe lines that we are cultivating here at the farm. We look forward to Hendrix's future here as his first crop of Kids did not disappoint! Hendrix brings in GCS Quervo, 4C X414, Dollar, GCS Loretta, MGF Comanche 78, E525, ITG B43 and many more foundation greats! Hendrix will be Rockin' Three Oaks pastures for many years to come!!!

Hendrix was born on 11/1/2020
Pedigree International 25213 SV-FB
DNA'd / Parentage Qualified
Birth Weight 11.2 pounds
Sire is SH Babyface Nelson (DNA-P)
Dam is SOS 176 Tesla (DNA-P)
This hulk has jet black pigment from his horns to his hooves, he is thick and correct. He is the heir apparent to BabyFace! His Dam Tesla is one of our very best, and a Doe line that we are developing here at the farm. She is from the great farm of Linda Huges in Florida!


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